From Bootcamp to Grandma’s Stories: Embracing Life’s Moments with Purpose

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I hear the bus engine roar, bouncing in my seat with every bump in the road. The smell of BDUs and new gear fills the air. My fellow peers and I are headed to meet our drill sergeants. Someone warned us to have our IDs ready – we would need them. Clutching my duffle bag and civilian bag, butterflies tossed in my stomach. Was this the right decision? Silence fell over the bus. I quickly grabbed my ID – trying to prepare for what was coming. The bus stops, tension mounted. Three drill sergeants walked toward us. ‘They’re coming,’ someone whispered. The door at the front of the bus opens. Drill Sergeant Sisk boarded the bus, calmly introduces himself before screaming, ‘You got 3 minutes to get off my bus!!!’ Chaos erupted. I scramble out the front, accidentally dropping my ID card. That mistake cost me later. 

I love to plan. It makes me feel like I’m prepared for the unexpected. In work, we layout detailed strategies, anticipate every possible scenario, and hope our careful planning minimizes risk. But life doesn’t follow careful plans like that does it? 

Looking back at basic training, I realized I was resisting the moment instead of embracing it. That was my time to begin shifting from civilian to soldier. Of course I got there, I’ll never forget the day I dropped my ID – the endless pushups that followed! That moment wasn’t just about physical strength. It was a lesson in letting go and facing what life throws at you. That day in basic taught me something I didn’t fully appreciate at the time: sometimes, life demands we release our grip on plans and be present. The lesson came full circle during a recent trip to visit my grandmother in Louisiana.

Spending a week with my grandmother in Louisiana was more than just a visit; it was a chance to connect the stories of my family with the woman who lived them. I didn’t expect it to affect me so deeply. I had a plan to record her stories, but on the first day, she slept the entire time. I felt disappointed, but I quickly realized this trip was about something deeper. I decided to record her in the car as we rode around town. The idea was a success and at times, I forgot I was recording. 

Those moments with my grandmother were more than I could have planned. They showed me the beauty of daily life and the strength of family. One evening as I reflected on my day, a wave of emotion hit me, realizing what I was learning from these moments. I was learning how to be present, how to give each moment its purpose. I know life can be overwhelming, and it’s easy to let these moments pass us by. But if you give the moment a chance, it might just give you something in return. 

Give moments their purpose in your life today. This week, take five minutes to be fully present – whether it is with a loved one or simply in a quiet moment. Pause and ask yourself: What is this moment offering? Notice the sights, sounds, and feelings around you. Whether its joy, stress, or uncertainty, let the moment teach you something.  

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