Triumphs and Transitions: Finding Purpose Amidst Change

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  • Triumphs

    I wrestled with my thoughts, torn between recounting the challenges or celebrating the triumphs of the past year. Ultimately, I chose to embrace both, for they sculpted a path of growth and resilience.

    Last year marked a monumental achievement: I crossed the finish line to claim a title I once deemed unattainable – Dr. Doyle! The journey was exhilarating yet daunting. I’m processing being called Dr. Doyle. It took seven years to get to this place yet, I look back and ponder if the time was too short. My first thought was, why did I get my degree, and how am I going to use the credentials to my benefit? Then, I thought about others around me. How could I use the credential to benefit others? I want the accomplishment to have meaning but I haven’t found it yet.

    The sight of my loved ones, beaming with pride as I walked in my regalia, resonated deeply. It wasn’t just about personal accomplishment; it was about breaking barriers for those battling self-doubt and insecurity. What was evident as I walked through the parking lot in my regalia, the number of people looking at me, pleased and proud. I never thought about it before then, but maybe it was to demonstrate it can be done. Especially for someone who struggles with low self-esteem and inferiority, working mother, and self-doubt. So, here I am waiting to discover the ‘real’ reason.

    A heartwarming adventure unfolded as I traveled with my mother to witness my niece’s boot camp graduation.

    I was able to travel with my mother to see my niece graduate bootcamp. It was an adventure to have my husband, son and I on the road to make it to the graduation and wish her well. The lovely piece, I had the privilege of having my mother join us and she did not have to pay for anything. I was so blessed to do that for her. It also gave me an opportunity to spend time with my son as he will leave soon to start his own life. The road trip was a blessing and it gave us a chance to see another part of the south. 

    My son, husband and I traveled to the east coast to visit some schools. While we decided not to pursue those schools, the trip provided a time for us to bond and see what is out there. The trip was meaningful in that I was able to take the time off and enjoy a break and get my son to thinking of life outside of the south. We had a chance to visit friends and ‘connect’ in person, which the pandemic has redefined for us. We were able to see New England in all its beauty. While we experienced flight delays, the delay did not matter because I was with my loved ones. Although, my son and I attempted to run from one gate to the next in Chicago, we were grounded despite our athleticism. We should have taken a page from my husband’s book and calmly walked there. 

    I was able to attend a conference in person that I’ve dreamed of attending, The Global Leadership Summit. The experience was so refreshing and I came back wanting to learn more about what I was put on this earth to do. I remembered a communication profile that I completed a number of years ago. To my surprise, the Kendall Life Languages Profile is still in use. I completed the certification to become a coach and I believe this has opened up the direction of my purpose. 


    Every challenge is a stepping stone to growth and self-discovery.

    So what things weren’t triumphs? Well, there was a shift in my professional life that has caused me to recognize I wanted something more, am built for something more. I do not know what the more is yet but anxious about the discovery. How I arrived at the recognition is where the challenge comes in. Let’s just say, that changes in our lives leads us to either complain or take notice. I chose to complain first. It was pretty familiar, people move on and then you’re left to figure out the new organizational landscape. I’m not good at figuring things out. I prefer the direct method. Tell me exactly what is happening, you need to improve in this area, and so on. But in this case, I had to observe and play the political game. I lost the game. There was so much at stake for me as a woman with a number of successes behind me (I just graduated with a PhD). Unfortunately, despite my track record, no amount of success in the present prepared me for what came next. I questioned if I had the ability to accomplish what I had in the past. I secretly needed affirmation from others. Not a good place to be. 

    Amid triumphs, a professional shift stirred restlessness within me. Uncertainty loomed, but it was a catalyst for introspection.

    I realized I needed to learn ‘something’ in this situation. I recognized I’d been here before, the last time resulted in a more dire outcome. God doesn’t bring us, I believe, through the same situation again, unless, there is something we need to learn. I remembered the event and how I behaved. I was demoted which resulted in bitterness, and unforgiveness. I blamed everyone and felt betrayed. It wasn’t until recently, I realized I’d buried the memory. Except, each time my purpose and job were called into question, I got nervous because I hadn’t walked the road of restoration to forgive. There I was, presented with a familiar feeling. But this time I knew it had to be different. I knew I couldn’t blame anyone, there needed to be a different outcome. In survival mode, we do things to protect ourselves which may not align with our character and values. I learned what to do and what ‘not’ to do. At times, the hard way. Hindsight is definitely 20/20. Standing up for myself was the first step, integrity of word came next, and doing my job was the final piece. I also learned that my values and character are not up for compromise. I determined it was time to examine those things that were important to me. 

    What drove me were a couple of important questions. Like, what allows me sleep at night with a clear conscience and how I will use my experiences and gifts to change the world? So, that’s where I am right now. Seeking the next thing to do to change the world and help others discover their purpose too. As I embark on this journey of self-discovery, I invite you to join me in unraveling the mysteries of purpose and resilience. Together, we can inspire and empower, one triumph at a time.